What is Sales Analytics?

Sales involve decisions based on limitedinformation. Sales analytics helps in the discovery of insights andincreasingly helps sales managers for taking the best decisions. Sales reportsare a vital part of this process, and sales analytics have become a majorportion of each sales report. Sales analytics allow firms to break down salesinto manageable pieces and examine exactly what is working and what needs toimprove.

Sales analytics helps sales managersunderstand where salespeople may improve by discovering, modelling,interpreting, and predicting sales trends and outcomes. As part of an analyticor planning activity, sales analytic systems provide a capability that enablesdiscovery, diagnostic, and prediction exercises by allowing manipulation ofparameters, measures, dimensions, or figures.

The use of sales analytics software is quickly increasing in the commercial world. We've outlined a few of the main reasons why the software should be a vital part of every sales director's report below. So, in this sales analytics blog, we will talk about sales analytics software and the importance of analytics software.

What are the different types ofSales Analytics?

Predictive: Since these insights are automated, your sales forecasting mayprovide you with a precise view of the future. It's almost as if you had acrystal ball. Predictive sales pipeline research is extremely beneficial forbusinesses of all sizes, from small startups to Fortune 500 corporations andeveryone in between.

Prescriptive: Prescriptive analytics allows you to understand more about yourclients by using predictive data. This will show you which deals are worthpursuing and which should be avoided. Also, if your sales staff decides topursue a deal, they'll be prepared with a good approach to take the lead orcustomer more open to the sale.

Diagnostic: You can use diagnostic analytics to examine current and historical sales data from your organization to better understand emerging challenges. Perhaps your new product didn't sell as well as expected because it was released just before the pandemic? This study might assist you in coming up with new approaches to reach out to customers.

Market Research: In market research, members of your sales team interview leads and customers to learn more about their perceptions and attitudes toward your products. Depending on your business, you can do this in person or through online questionnaires.

sales analytics

Importance of sales analyticssoftware

IncreasedVisibility: Sales reps can better prioritise leadsusing predictive/prescriptive lead scoring methodologies. With advancedanalytics, sales rep income can be improved, allowing the organisation to focuson successful sales reps. Sales attribution models enable the company toallocate resources between sales and marketing in the most efficient waypossible.

Reduction in sales support activities: According to the bulk of research on the subject, sales reps spend more time on non-sales activities. Making sales forecasts, classifying leads, and selecting how to approach leads are all tasks that can be automated with sales analytics software.

Automatic Updates: With an automated update option, sales analytics software will always be relevant and up to date. This gives you additional time and allows you to report even closer to the deadline, providing you with a more realistic picture of the business at the time. Businesses frequently waste time preparing for a report days in advance, only to arrive at the meeting with an out-of-date report.

Sales Team Transparency: Sales data provides complete transparency and assists in the development of your sales staff. You can implement any necessary mitigating strategies, such as cross-sell campaigns or end-of-life promotions, after you have the facts. You have a complete picture of each agent's progression, including their priorities, strengths, weaknesses, and problems. This will have a direct impact on sales because it allows you to adjust factors afterwards to improve efficiency.


Now that you understand the value of sales analysis for your company, it's time to put it into action. On the one hand, you get to know the best performing sales agents, segment hot leads, and identify the campaigns that bring in large numbers of customers using a sales analysis tool. on the other side, you can eliminate cold leads, and alter or improve unsuccessful products or campaigns.